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Integrative Therapy

Integrative therapy is a rapidly progressive form of psychotherapy that brings together different elements of specific therapeutic methodologies such as but not limited to:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Nature Therapy (Ecotherapy)
  3. Expressive Arts Therapy
  4. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Integrative therapy can help clients face each moment openly which can enable them to recognize specific triggers that may be causing disruptive patterns of behavior, along with gaining better focus on psychological freedom. As a therapist that practices integrative interventions, I aim to promote healing and wholeness (mental, physical, and emotional health), to empower clients to start setting goals and practicing new behaviors geared toward positive change. Integrative therapy values all aspects of the client such as: behavioral, cognitive, physiological systems, social, and spiritual. Integrative therapy has been proven useful for many mental health issues including:

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. Trauma
  4. Low self-esteem
  5. Personality disorders
  6. Grief and loss

Integrative therapy can give you the strength needed to cope with your situation in a healthy way.  If you think you may benefit from integrative therapy techniques then, let’s work together to get you back to the life you want.